Our Story
V. Bly, Owner & Artist
When I picked up my first paintbrush a few years ago, I never imagined what an amazing new journey I was beginning. My day job is finance...numbers, spreadsheets, analysis...that's my thing. So whenever asked about my art, I have to tell the story of how I was driving home one evening after a really bad workday and just as I was passing a random craft store, the Lord spoke quietly into my spirit “go buy a canvas & paints.” Understand, the suggestion was both odd and hilarious to me because (aside from watching some Bob Ross episodes) my prior experience with painting consisted of a roller brush, bucket, and 4 walls in a room. My analytic brain was skeptical...and I said aloud "But God, I can't paint...not like that?" Nevertheless, life has taught me to be obedient to that still, small voice...and so I stopped to buy the supplies.
What I discovered that night, and have enjoyed with every artwork I've produced since, was a special peace, joy and love that comes from tapping into the power of our Creator. It is remarkable how human beings innately connect with the divine whenever we create anything, be it a new idea...an original work of art...or even a human life. It's the power from that connection which makes our creative works unique & special.